Friday, June 26, 2009

No Give Backs

I've been thinking a lot. . .
I've seen, heard, and experienced a lot. . .and I came to the conclusion that little kids are the most intelligent kids. . .
With rules that seemed to make no sense when you're older but I realized there are a few that work with adults today. . .
No give backs, always fun to watch. . . Give something away that you don't want returned. . .like your heart
I gave my heart to you and I don't want it back because you're like my home base at tag, you're where I want to be at. . .
Screaming no give backs with my heart, I assured you were it and that everyone who wanted you to run away with you because you're no longer not it. . .
I allowed myself to get infected your cooties that I call your love and as funny as it sounds I always want your cooties, no shot necessary. . .
I screamed no give backs with my heart cause you're always mine, whether someone gives you a kiss or a touch, it won't be the same because you're always mine. . .
I screamed no give backs cause I plan on being with you forever, no matter how long it takes to get there, you will always be that home base cause when I'm with you, no one can touch me. . .
Screaming no give backs meant I will forever belong to you as long as we live. . .
I love you

Ps. . . In case you forgot NO GIVE BACKS!!!!

Pps. . . You're all I want in this world

~Your Husband~

A Starving Artist's Plead For Another Chance. . .

I was an artist
That painted over and destroyed murals with other artists when I came to you
And you, a new artist, decided to start a new mural with me
You treated this project so differently than any other artists that I had painted with
You knew what we wanted and knew what we were going to be
With each stroke of our brush, we carefully made sure there were no streaks, no clumps of paint, we made this mural to become everything we could imagine. . . Absolutely Perfect. . .
But somehow, for some reason I allowed another amature artist come mess up our perfect mural, damaging the beauty you created. . .
When you found out what had happened to your mural you tried to fix that one blemish that an artist who didn't know how to handle the mural made. . . But the mural just didn't look the same and couldn't be treated the same
Less effort and care. . .
So I stand here now, with a blank canvas, begging you, to paint with me again and let us create a brand new mural, something so much more greater than the last, with stronger, brilliant, and radiant memories
A mural that shows all the love we have for one another, a love that God himself dare not change for it cannot be anymore perfect. . .
So please. . . Help me, create another piece of greatness. . .
I love you

~Your Love~

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

DEATH TO NO LIFERS!!!! Please Make A Change

Okay, so I was just thinking about something I should have posted a while back even before this blog. . . This just started as a conversation with my best friend who is like my sister. We share this friend (well I don't really like her. . .) who just isn't doing anything with her life honestly, well she is I guess (I'm not really keeping tags on her or anything, so I really don't know, so I retract that statement that she isn't doing ANYTHING with her life) but it seems when I have asked about her (before my sis stopped chillin' with her), it seemed like she was doing the same shit when I last asked about her (and this wasn't a weekly conversation we had so you can see my issue). So thinking about the monthly conversations I've had about her and other people I know but don't associate myself with anymore, has led me to make this declaration. . .


So before I begin, I know you're either asking what is? or give a more deeper explanation of a "No Lifer." Well I want to say I created the word because I haven't heard of anyone say it before I did but yeah it's pretty simple, it's a reference to people who just do not have a life. I'm talking about those people who consistently do the same shit everyday that do not progress in life!! I'm talking about those high school graduates (or dropouts) who don't go to college (God knows what reason), whom after school or in general just do nothing to progress in life.

Now I don't want these people to die, I don't wish death upon anybody (that's bad karma and I just don't need that), but if you are still home @ an age past 19 and you're sitting on your ass and only get up to go out to the club off of others income, and drink and smoke things that you did not buy, and don't receive income other than the money from your parents' pockets, then I plead you to KILL that lifestyle. Seriously, you aren't doing much for the people around you, and you damn ain't doin shit for YOURSELF, and I don't know about you, but if I wasn't doing anything for myself and realized it, I'd seriously have a problem with that.

A few no lifers that I know happen to just use other people for rides to places, and spring uknown unknowns on people (if you don't know what an unknown unknown is get up on the Boondocks ASAP lol) that have some serious negative outcomes. Now I'm not gonna lie, people who have chilled with no lifers have been lead into some dumb situations because of no lifers and I don't blame you if it happens once or twice because it's kind of a denial situation where you don't want to accept the fact that your friend is one and you give them the B.O.T.D. (benifit of the doubt), but if you continue to allow a no lifer to bring you down with them. . .IT IS YOUR FAULT AND NO ONE ELSES!!! If they are not willing to change and KILL that lifestyle, get rid of them ASAP.

But back to the no lifers, I don't mind if you drink a lot, and if you smoke, I'm not really a fan but to each his/her own, that's fine. But DO NOT make that shit your life!!! There are better things to do, we (the future leaders of the world) need you to be along side us while we each grow the depth of our pockets, not to have you decrease it.

Because everyone needs to be a go getter, no need to be held down you digg. . .


~ J Blanco ~

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

If music was my world . . .
Soul and Funk would be my parents
With my soul being made of kicks and snares
My blood flowing with notes And my mind being made of songs
Broken down into verses and bars

My world would always be about that perfect note

One that I would create with my love Hip Hop
The perfect notes name would be R&B

A combined name of her great grandparents Blues and Jazz
But my love with Hip Hop would soon wither away

As her ups and downs on how she could adapt to the most recent generation

Left her broken and confused
Of who she truly was from the first day I fell in love with her

So she downward spirals into a world of false realities
A different type of sound

Filled with pain and anger

And talk of drugs and homicide
With men who are on a one way road to death with the things they say
She adapts to this parasite of a world and begins to die
Dying slow like poison working through the body
I cry for her not cause she isn't mine
But because she has lost her way and is losing it all

I love Hip Hop

~ JBlanco ~

The Button Pusher

Okay so I wanted to stray away from this melancholy things I've been writing about to talk about something serious. . . I love making money and I love having power (I'm not egotistical or fucked like that in any sort of way so please don't insult me in any way) but I want to be respected when I gain these things, for some people who have these things are not. . .I chose to post this piece after I read it on my cousins page a while back cause I thought it was an important goal for some people to aim for. . . The Button Pusher

I was driving around Fenway one night with my cousin Q, and we saw a man with a trench coat and sunglasses, and various bouncers, and police officers, and random men in business suites came over to great the rather inconspicuous man. Q and I looked at each other because we were somewhat perplexed...this guy, something about this guy in the trench coat with the sunglasses at night...then Q said "he was probably a button pusher." So what is a button pusher? Well, the notation below explains just that.


He is the guy in the background giving the thumbs up or the thumbs down

He gives the go signal
He signs the checks
He determines the course of action
He hires
He fires
He is the one that makes the crucial decisions
He is the go to guy

When all else fails, when there is chaos, when there is utter disarray, when there is fear and pandemonium, when it appears that all is lost.....
his phone rings; THE RED phone

and he takes over

and makes things right

thats him

the public wont know his name, but those who need to know him will

He is the man in the dark
the man that sits next to you on the train
passing by you at the market

The savior
The protector
The enforcer
The Punisher
The brain
The logic
The tribunal
That is he
No feelings, just execution and excellence

~ JBlanco ~

Complications of the Heart. . . But I think I've found a surgeon

So yeah. . . the first few post I'm going to admit are not going to be fun, because they are all going to be past things I've written or published on facebook that I felt should be shown somewhere other than facebook or something I didn't think was "appropriate" for facebook. . .In other words (for those who either choose not to read between the lines or just can't read bewteen them) keeping certain eyes from my business.

The few things I put up, unless I say different are all relating to this past semester where I went through a mental change in my person. Because of someone I care for dearly now as days go on.

This piece. . .Complications of the Heart. . .I don't feel like writing the rest. . . is important to me for reasons that are deeper than most realize. Only few who've read this know it's importance and I'd love to keep it that way.

I was thinking after a long night in Woodruff Library tonight and a number of things happened, I began to wonder...why does the heart do the things it does after one bad experience?...

How is that this one moment defined my future...
Of how I think when I see another after you,
Of who I let meet the newest chapter in my life because of you,
How I'm able to let go so easily when I tried so hard to hold on...
It's the complications of the heart,
Something that happens to everyone,
But each person has their own story,
A story of pain so agonizing...
That even the toughest of people are brought to their knees,
Because they have their own complication,
Mines is not as bad as most,
Seeing how our relationship was approaching it's climax...
I cared for you and everything you wanted to do,
And when we ended I was prepared to be involved with you there after,
Something I never said to you straight up,
Until you sent me that message of an action committed by the one I called 'brother',
The message of the lust that took place in a home I never had a chance to step a foot in,
And to have you telling me you want me back consecutive times after this deed took place,
It was there where the complication began...
It built a wall,
That was still at ground zero but couldn't be moved,
And those very few that could get by the wall, never knew they could,
I waited and waited for someone that could step into that place,
And then you came,
Everyone knew I liked you but you but you never knew how to tell me that you didn't
But I was fine with that cause you were a good friend of mine, I didn't want to mess that up,
And with you, we've always had a chance to work, but you caught on too late for anything to happpen...
A new chapter began in a new place I call home,
I thought I had found someone who I could understand,
Not that you were a mistake,
You had your wall and I had mine,
Both for different but similar reasons,
Both forms of heart complications,
And for once you began to let a person in pass yours as did I,
But your wall was so thick to protect yourself that every time i stepped in I was pushed out again and again,
Hurting me more and more every time. . .
I gave you my all but nothing was resulting from it,
Or you just didn't want to show me I guess. . .
But because of that our chapter had to come to an intermission,
One that I thought wouldn't last too long between us
Until a new character stepped into this book and began their own chapter. . .
I never wanted that intermission to end so abruptly,
But things just happened that way,
And for that I apologize. . .
And I hope that I can help you make a change that I tried so hard to make while we were together,
To save the next man from possible heart complications with you. . .
You are my newest chapter,
Who seems to have my happy ever after ending,
You stepped in when my heart was adding on another layer onto the wall,
But you stopped that,
You changed my world,
You are my surgeon to who is repairing my heart,
Ceasing the complications,
Ending the pain,
Ending the mistrust,
And beginning the the end of my search for love,
My surgeon is fixing that and I want you to know that,
So when I have my issues,
My moments of anger,
It's not towards you,
It's my anger towards myself because I am fighting my heart,
To let it know you are there to fix it,
Not hurt it like times before,
Because you are the surgeon,
My surgeon,
You make no mistakes,
You heal,
And make a new,
And that's what you're doing for me,
And I love you. . .
October 27, 2008 was the day my surgeon entered the emergency room and went to work

To those who read this, don't think it's a bashing of your character, I'm only asking you to know that your actions have consequences and that you don't want to be that one person who causes another to feel such a pain. To the ones who originally gave my heart it's complication I don't hate you, I want to say I'm sorry for not talking this out like you wanted to, that was very childish, and if you want to still I'm willing to. To the one I left on intermission, I apologize for leaving so soon, and I still talk to you, not so I can have you back, but so we can be friends. I want you to understand that you are a good person deep down if you allow people to see that, and you don't have to be isolated so much, I don't want you to miss out on someone who could be the potential 'one' because you hand him that pain of a heart complication, you don't know the love you are capable of. Allow your trust to slowly take over sometimes. To those that missed our chance, I'm happy we are still friends and I hope it stays that way and if we are not, the wall is the reason we never could have a chance. And to my surgeon, I thank you the most, you saved me from myself and all my bullshit, you understand my faults due to my condition and accept me for them. . . I always and forever will love you for that. I let my thoughts run wild sometimes and these are the kind of things that are produced, and I'm not trying to be rude to anyone by hurting their feelings, I'm only trying to explain my thoughts the best I can. . . I love you all in one way or another.

~ JBlanco ~

Monday, March 2, 2009


I used to write for fun
I used to write to express my love, pain, or issue at the time
I lost that feeling at the time of my senior
But I feel as if it has come back
Making the return into my life
My heart is no longer closing, but opening
Finally I feel that joy my heart misunderstood,
And because of the confusion I fought and bothered
The one who opened the door of a wall so large that people are intimidated by when they approach it
Someone who cared more for me more than I did myself
No pain handed to me from her, she has no intention on hurting me
My everything
My world
My universe
As she grows more on me, the wall begins to deteriorate
The only defense my heart has
It tries to fight then I stand in the way trying to protect her
But as I take the time to save her
I'm ignoring her
Giving her no time
When I gave her my everything
My all
I begin to fade away because of the fight
I'm moving farther away from her
And as I turn to run back my heart fights me again pulling me farther away
But I'm not letting her get away from me
I know my heart trust me
So I'm gonna walk away from it
And I know it will soon follow. . .
For it is hurt from prior owners
But what it doesn't know is that she has a heart to help him
Like she has helped me. . .
Be more trusting
Stop bad habits
And love more
She has a heart for me
A heart to help mine
A heart that we will share
And when her and mine join together
we will forever be one

She has brought the writing back. . . I'm happy about that. . . .
Thank you 10/27

~J Blanco ~

The Birth of the Blanco Boy Blog

So, where do I begin. . .This is the begining of the Blanco Boy Blog. . .I really don't know why I started this, someitmes I got things to say, or express, but I stopped writing in the notebook and I stay on my computer and blackberry so much I never come close to the pen and paper anymore. So I'll give you a brief overview of your boy JBlanco. My name is J. White (hence the Blanco) no need to know my whole government, just knowning one of my aliases seems to be enough, I'm an aries (pick a date between that time and think that's my birthday I really don't care lol). I'm not really an asshole, I just sound like it right now cause it's late and I'm bored but if you piss me off we'll have major issues ya digg. I'm from Boston (Beantown Stand UP!!) and I'm a current freshman at Morehouse College. . . Psy major. . so yeah I'm a lil crazy. . .But yeah enough about me. . .I'll just be blunt. For those who begin to follow my blog, I'll post things that range from crazy stories, poems, verses and things that just blow my mind and on some occasions stories of my feelings when I'm @ edge. . . Thanks for reading and if you follow thank you even more.

~ JBlanco ~