Wednesday, March 11, 2009

DEATH TO NO LIFERS!!!! Please Make A Change

Okay, so I was just thinking about something I should have posted a while back even before this blog. . . This just started as a conversation with my best friend who is like my sister. We share this friend (well I don't really like her. . .) who just isn't doing anything with her life honestly, well she is I guess (I'm not really keeping tags on her or anything, so I really don't know, so I retract that statement that she isn't doing ANYTHING with her life) but it seems when I have asked about her (before my sis stopped chillin' with her), it seemed like she was doing the same shit when I last asked about her (and this wasn't a weekly conversation we had so you can see my issue). So thinking about the monthly conversations I've had about her and other people I know but don't associate myself with anymore, has led me to make this declaration. . .


So before I begin, I know you're either asking what is? or give a more deeper explanation of a "No Lifer." Well I want to say I created the word because I haven't heard of anyone say it before I did but yeah it's pretty simple, it's a reference to people who just do not have a life. I'm talking about those people who consistently do the same shit everyday that do not progress in life!! I'm talking about those high school graduates (or dropouts) who don't go to college (God knows what reason), whom after school or in general just do nothing to progress in life.

Now I don't want these people to die, I don't wish death upon anybody (that's bad karma and I just don't need that), but if you are still home @ an age past 19 and you're sitting on your ass and only get up to go out to the club off of others income, and drink and smoke things that you did not buy, and don't receive income other than the money from your parents' pockets, then I plead you to KILL that lifestyle. Seriously, you aren't doing much for the people around you, and you damn ain't doin shit for YOURSELF, and I don't know about you, but if I wasn't doing anything for myself and realized it, I'd seriously have a problem with that.

A few no lifers that I know happen to just use other people for rides to places, and spring uknown unknowns on people (if you don't know what an unknown unknown is get up on the Boondocks ASAP lol) that have some serious negative outcomes. Now I'm not gonna lie, people who have chilled with no lifers have been lead into some dumb situations because of no lifers and I don't blame you if it happens once or twice because it's kind of a denial situation where you don't want to accept the fact that your friend is one and you give them the B.O.T.D. (benifit of the doubt), but if you continue to allow a no lifer to bring you down with them. . .IT IS YOUR FAULT AND NO ONE ELSES!!! If they are not willing to change and KILL that lifestyle, get rid of them ASAP.

But back to the no lifers, I don't mind if you drink a lot, and if you smoke, I'm not really a fan but to each his/her own, that's fine. But DO NOT make that shit your life!!! There are better things to do, we (the future leaders of the world) need you to be along side us while we each grow the depth of our pockets, not to have you decrease it.

Because everyone needs to be a go getter, no need to be held down you digg. . .


~ J Blanco ~


  1. I'm sad to say, this was my life for 2 months. But now i've grown and see what these people really mean to me and i'm glad to say these people aren't in my life anymore

  2. i hear you on the no life tip... i've seen plenty of no lifers that did graduate from high school and go to college but mad people need to realize at some point you need to be able to have your own

  3. LMAO....why dnt you help your friend out...give a few nudges...yu kno hint hint type things. Or well since u dnt like her jus tell her bout herself
